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- Failure to arrange a timely medical review
- Failure to arrange transport to a different facility for necessary investigations
- Failure to communicate abnormal results after discharge
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Posts by category
- Category: Medical Negligence
- Navigating the Emergency Room: A Guide for Serious Illness
- Am I Suffering Because of Medical Negligence?
- How Can I Tell If My Injury Was Caused by Medical Negligence?
- How to Access your Medical Records & Information
- Medicare & Centrelink in medical negligence claims
- Delay, misdiagnosis & failure to diagnose medical negligence claims
- Causation in medical negligence claims
- Important time limits under the new motor accidents legislation
- Why are medical negligence cases that are settled outside of court kept off doctors records?
- Category: Case Studies
- Category: Claims
- What type of compensation can I claim in a medical negligence claim?
- How to Prove Medical Negligence
- The importance of evidence in medical negligence
- How long does a medical negligence claim take?
- The process of commencing your medical negligence claim
- Limitation periods: Do you know how much time you have to make your claim?
- Insurers continue to deny reasonably necessary medical treatment
- What are the limitations on personal injury claims?
- What happens after I complete a MVA claim form?
- How to make a claim under the Motor Accidents Compensation Act NSW
- No win no fee explained
- Category: Cosmetic Surgery & Procedures
- Category: Duty of Care
- Category: Health Care Complaints Commission
- Category: Malpractice
- Category: Mediation
- Category: Medicare
- Category: Misdiagnosis
- Category: Stent Procedures
- Category: Motor Vehicle & Cyclists
- Don’t Let Accidents Derail Your Holidays
- Medicare’s Involvement in Motor Vehicle and Workers Compensation Claims
- SIRA – Who Are They And What Do They Do?
- Do I Need a Lawyer If Injured in a Motor Vehicle Accident?
- All About IRO
- What To Do When Hit By A Car As A Pedestrian
- Am I covered if injured as an Uber passenger?
- Motorbike and Motorcycle Accident Compensation Claims Guide
- Motor Vehicle Accident Claims in NSW Guide
- Who Pays For Cycling Injury Compensation?
- What Pedestrian Accidents Can You Claim Compensation For?
- Statutory Benefits under the NSW CTP Scheme – 6 Tips and Traps
- What is a “minor injury” under the new Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 (an update)
- Termination of statutory benefits under the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017
- What is a Minor Injury under the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017
- Resolving disputes under the Motor Accidents Compensation Act Dispute Resolution Service (for accidents after 1 December 2017)
- A guide for people injured in a motor vehicle accident on or after 1 December 2017
- 9 reasons why you need an expert lawyer to handle your CTP claim
- Should drivers have to prove they were not at fault in collisions?
- What to do if you’re injured in a car accident
- The new CTP changes are here
- Case study under the new CTP scheme
- NSW Government overhaul of greenslip insurance
- Risks of settling a CTP claim without consulting a lawyer
- New rules for bicycle riders and drivers in NSW
- Do I need to pay back Medicare at the end of a claim?
- What to do if you are injured in a motorcycle accident
- Pedestrian accidents and blameless accidents
- Category: Motor Vehicle Accident & Injuries
- Category: Personal Injury & General Compensation
- Understanding Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs) for Personal Injury Claims
- What to Do if You Have a Botched Beauty Procedure
- Why do I need a Barrister?
- Injured at Work – Are you Entitled to Domestic Assistance?
- WID – What is it?
- Big Firm vs Small Firm Compensation Lawyers
- Insider Secret: The ONE industry secret you need to know
- Category: Choosing a Lawyer
- Putting People First
- Preparing For Your First Appointment with Garling and Co Lawyers
- Preparing your TPD Claim
- Garling&Co Winner 2023 Client Choice Awards
- How do I get the best personal injury lawyer for my claim?
- 10 questions you must ask before choosing a compensation lawyer
- Medical Cannabis & the Issue of Reasonable Treatment Expenses
- 5 reasons why you need an expert lawyer in your public liability claim
- Can I change lawyers during my claim?
- What is an accredited specialist in personal injury law?
- Garling Lawyers has a new name
- Category: Public Liability
- Can I sue someone for emotional trauma in Australia?
- Can you sue a supermarket for slipping?
- Injured While at a Rental Property or Holiday Home
- Injured While at a Holiday Rental Home
- Public Transport Accident Claims – Complete Guide
- Public Liability Claims Explained
- Slip, trip and falls in supermarkets
- Category: Assault & Battery
- Category: Dog Bites
- Category: Slips & Falls
- Category: Superannuation
- Category: Uncategorised
- Category: Workers Compensation
- Amendments to The Motor Accident Injuries Act (NSW) 2017
- The Impact of Workplace Bullying and Harassment and How to Address It.
- The NSW Workers Compensation System
- Can I be Fired Whilst on Workers Compensation?
- Sexual harassment in the workplace and an entitlement to compensation
- The New Section 74 Notice – Now Called the Section 78 Notice
- 9 reasons why you need an expert workers compensation lawyer
- Recommendations for amendments to the workers’ compensation scheme
- Sexual harassment on the rise in Australia
- Bullying In Workers Compensation Claims
- Legal Costs In Workers Compensation claims explained
- Insurers to pay for retraining and work assistance
- Amount Payable for WPI Claims
- Can a S.74 notice be considered a “work capacity decision”?
- 10 things you need to know if injured at work
- Workplace bullying – the targets perspective
- The role of the GP in the Workers Compensation Scheme in NSW
- Category: Claims
- Psychological Injury at Work? Your Rights in Plain Language
- Women’s Pain and Birth Trauma: Highlighting the Gender Pain Gap
- 2024 Client Choice Awards
- Do I Continue To Receive Workers Compensation Benefits If I Am Made Redundant?
- ICARE PIAWE Review and Remediation Program
- Am I Entitled to Annual Leave and Long Service Leave Whilst on Workers Compensation in NSW?
- What is the insurers investigation statement?
- PIAWE Calculator – How To Calculate Your Weekly Earnings
- Workers compensation claims: should you challenge a S74 notice?
- Most Frequently Asked Questions in Workers’ Comp Claims NSW
- Bullying by the insurer in workers compensation claims
- Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- What Happens If A Workers Compensation Claim Is Rejected?
- Category: Disputing Liability
- Category: Injury Management
- Category: Medical Expenses
- Section 59A of the workers compensation Act 1997 limit on payment of medical expenses
- Complete guide to medical expenses under the workers comp system
- Is the Insurer Delaying Payment of Medical Expenses?
- Workers comp medical expenses explained in an info-graphic
- Medical expenses in NSW workers compensation claims
- Category: Superannuation
- Category: Weekly Payments
- Can I make a second claim for lump sum compensation for permanent impairment?
- Amendments to Section 38 of the workers Compensation Act – continuing workcover payments after 130 Weeks
- How to avoid having weekly benefits stopped at the end of 2017
- Weekly Compensation Payments Under the Workers Compensation Act NSW
- Workers comp weekly compensation benefits explained in an Info-graphic
- How to calculate your pre-injury average weekly earnings
- What is a Section 74 Notice?
- Weekly payments explained in an info-graphic
- Weekly payments under the Workers Compensation Act NSW
- Category: Whole Person Impairment Claims
- Whole person impairment claims – an update
- Understanding the importance of whole person impairment in compensation
- How Do Doctors Assess The Level Of WPI For Spinal Injury Claims?
- Section 39 of the Workers Compensation Act
- Whole Person Impairment Calculator and Claims Guide
- Whole person impairment claims – Updated April 2021
- Category: Work Capacity Decisions
- Category: Work Injury Damages
- How long does a personal injury claim take to settle?
- How does a personal injury claim work?
- What can I claim for personal injury?
- What do I do if I am injured in a boating accident in NSW?
- How are permanent impairment claim disputes determined by the Workers Compensation Commission?
- What is product liability insurance?
- Can I sue my employer for my injuries?
- Can I sue the person responsible for my injuries?
- How are legal costs paid in motor vehicle claims?
- Should I use a lawyer to represent me?
- What is the Lifetime Care & Support Scheme?
- Are there time limits in a Motor Vehicle claim?
- How are Common Law Claims with an insurer resolved?
- How is the whole person impairment calculated?
- Do I need more than 10% Whole Person Impairment?
- What economic loss can I receive?
- What is non-economic loss?
- What is contributory negligence?
- How is a Common law claim finished?
- What is a claim for Common Law Damages?
- What is early rehabilitation?
- How are statutory benefit claim disputes resolved with the insurer?
- Examples of Minor Injury Decisions
- What does "minor injury" mean?
- What does "wholly or mostly by the fault" mean?
- Can I get Statutory payments beyond 26 weeks?
- How long do I receive benefits after I complete the Application for Personal Injury Benefits?
- What benefits will the insurer pay when I submit the Application?
- What happens after I complete the Application for Personal Injury Benefits?
- What is an Application for Personal Injury Benefits?
- How do I claim compensation?
- What if I don't know the registration number of the car which caused the accident?
- Report to the police within 28 days
- What do I do if I am injured in a car accident in NSW?
- Is there a time limit for bringing a Work Injury Damages claim?
- How do I appeal a work capacity decision?
- What is a work capacity decision?
- What is a work capacity assessment?
- What can I expect at Medico-Legal Examinations?
- What happens when my claim is referred to an Approved Medical Specialist?
- What happens at a Conciliation/Arbitration Conference?
- What happens at a Workers Compensation Commission telephone conference?
- How does the Workers Compensation Commission determine permanent impairment claim disputes?
- How are declined claims decided by the Workers Compensation Commission?
- What is the Workers Compensation Commission of NSW?
- What if I have a dispute about suitable employment or suitable duties?
- What do I do if my claim is declined by S.78 Notice?
- Can the insurer decline my claim?
- What is an approved rehabilitation provider?
- What is a return to work coordinator?
- What are the employer’s responsibilities in returning me to work?
- What is suitable employment?
- When can the insurer stop paying my medical treatment?
- Can the insurer stop weekly payments?
- Does obtaining lump sum compensation stop me from continuing to receive weekly compensation or medical expenses?
- What is lump sum compensation for permanent impairment?
- What benefits are payable for property damages?
- What benefits are payable if a family member dies at work?
- What medical, hospital or rehabilitation expenses are payable by the insurer?
- What are weekly payments payable by the insurer?
- When my claim is accepted, what benefits do I receive?
- What is the insurer’s role in my claim?
- How do I claim for psychological injury?
- What if my employer does not have insurance?
- What is a ‘reasonable excuse’ notice not to commence provisional liability payments?
- What are provisional liability payments?
- What are my employer’s responsibilities after I have had an injury?
- What are employee’s obligations to report injuries?
- What is my employer’s obligation to report an injury?
- What is SIRA, and what is their function?
- Can I resolve a negligence claim without a Lawyer?
- Are there time limits to make a negligence claim?
- How are negligence claims finalised?
- What type of compensation is payable in a negligence claim?
- How is compensation paid under a negligence claim?
- What is negligence?
- Do I have to go to Court?