Legal Costs and Service Guarantee
Garling and Co are Sydney's "5-star" Personal Injury Firm.

We are not flashy marketers, spending big dollars on TV marketing campaigns where all the effort goes into winning your business and often does not translate to achieving the best result. We are a boutique practice of lawyers that are Accredited Specialists in Personal Injury Law.
We do not take on every case, only those we know we can make a difference in.
We are proud of our 5-star Google rating and work hard to provide exceptional service to our clients to maintain this. 20% of our clients start their claims with other firms and are unhappy with the quality of work and service they receive. See our 5-star reviews from Google here.
Our clients talk about how moving to Garling and Co has changed their lives. If you need a change and are not getting the support you need, contact us today!

Legal Costs
Legal Costs are costs that are incurred in preparing your claim. These include costs in preparation of settlement or a Court hearing and consist of the following type of costs.
1. Professional fees – these are the legal fees charged by this firm for the work that we do in preparation of your claim.
2. Barrister fees – these are the costs charged by a barrister if one is retained in your claim.
3. Disbursements – this is the money we pay out to others on your behalf in preparation of your claim and would include the cost of medical records, medical reports, expert reports, court filing fees, process service fees, photocopying and like charges.

No Win No Fee Guarantee
Our “No Win, No Fee Guarantee” means that you do not pay any professional fees, barrister fees or disbursements to our firm if your claim for compensation is unsuccessful.
If we do not win your case and you do not receive any compensation, you will not pay us any legal costs.
We make this guarantee because we WIN 99% of our client’s claims.

Maximum Fee Guarantee
If your claim resolves prior to a Court hearing, we will cap our professional fees to no more then 35% (not including GST) of your settlement amount. This means that if the result is not as good as we hoped, not all your compensation will be paid in legal costs. There are no surprises when your claim is resolved.
This does not mean we charge 35% of what you receive, rather it means that if our professional fees are more than 35% of your settlement amount, you will be charged the lesser amount.
We guarantee our professional fees will not exceed 35% (exclusive of GST) of your total settlement amount if your claim settles at least 30 days prior to a Court hearing.

Accredited Specialist Guarantee
We guarantee your case will be managed by a lawyer who is an Accredited Specialist in Personal Injury Law. An Accredited Specialist is recognised by The Law Society of NSW as the most highly qualified lawyer that can represent you in your claim. An Accredited Specialist in Personal Injury Law is the lawyer that will get the best result in your claim.