It is vital that the insurer provides you with a Section 74 Notice as you need it to challenge the insurers decision.
Always ask for a written Section 74 Notice if your Claim is Declined
Often, insurers will delay sending out Section 74 Notices, which means that the injured worker cannot challenge the decision and will not receive their weekly payments or have treatment expenses paid.
If you have not received a Section 74 Notice and you have been informed that the insurer has declined your claim and/or medical expenses you should ask the insurer to provide you with a written Section 74 Notice.
Can I challenge the insurer’s decision?
Yes… it is suggested that you seek the expertise of a lawyer when challenging the decision of a Section 74 Notice. The first option to get the decision changed is to apply for an internal review. However, we find that this is generally a pointless process as we have rarely, in all our years of practice seen an insurer change their decision after an internal review.
The second option is to have the insurer’s decision reviewed by the Workers’ Compensation Commission. This is the most effective method of review, and your lawyer will assist you with this process. Often, insurers decline your claim on the smallest bit of information that is beneficial to the insurer, even though it is quite clear that your injury is work related, or your treatment is reasonably necessary.
It is also important to remember that insurers are companies designed to make a profit. So, if they can decline your claim at the first instance, they will. Often the decision to decline a claim is largely unfounded, which is why we look at challenging the insurer’s decisions.
At Garling & Co we have challenged hundreds of decisions to stop weekly payments or refuse medical treatment and our success rate is almost 100%.
If you would like to discuss your claim, please do not hesitate to contact us as follows;
- Complete our FREE case assessment form HERE
- Email us at info@garlingandco.com.au
- Give us a call on (02) 8518 1120 and talk to our specialised lawyers
Insurance companies and their employees won’t tell you everything you need to know to get all the compensation you’re entitled to. You need to fight back by arming yourself with all the knowledge you can. Read this 6-point guide which will help you understand your rights and entitlements under Workers’ Compensation legislation when making a successful claim for work injury compensation or damages.