How does SIRA help me?
SIRA – Who are they, and what do they do?
How does SIRA help me?
One of their objectives is to ensure insurers comply with their schemes’ obligations. They produce guidelines that tell insurers how claims should be managed. You may not be aware, but insurers have only a certain amount of time to determine elements of your claim, including determining liability and approving your treatment request.
If you are still waiting for the insurer to make a determination on your claim, speak to one of our lawyers who can advise if the insurer is not complying and what steps to take.
How can SIRA help if I can’t get back to work?
SIRA has several funded programs to assist people in getting back into the workforce after they have been injured at work.
If you have been injured and cannot return to your job, these programs can assist you in developing new knowledge and skills to get back to work. They include re-training in a new career or offering incentives to employers to take on injured workers in job trials.
Can SIRA give me legal advice?
You can contact SIRA for general claim information, such as how to lodge your claim and how to request treatment from the insurer.
However, SIRA are not lawyers and are not allowed to give you legal advice. Only a qualified lawyer in personal injury law can give you legal advice.