What happens if a passenger gets injured in an Uber or other rideshare services?
If you have sustained injury in a car accident whilst you are a passenger in an Uber then you are entitled to claim compensation under the Motor Accident Injuries Act NSW 2017. You need to make an application for personal injury benefits through SIRA. This claim form can be found on SIRA.
You need to also report the accident to the Police within 28 days and obtain an event number.You need to attend your general practitioner or the hospital to obtain treatment in relation to any injuries sustained in the motor vehicle accident.Once you complete the claim form you will be entitled to payment of loss of income and payment of medical expenses.
You may also be entitled to claim damages if you have serious injuries following the car accident. Damages is a form of lump sum compensation for pain and suffering and future loss of income.
Am I Covered If I’m Injured As An Uber Passenger?
Yes, if you are injured in a car accident whilst a passenger in a Uber you are covered under the CTP insurance of the Uber driver’s vehicle. It is compulsory for all motor vehicles in NSW to have CTP insurance which covers compensation for injuries sustained to, in this case, a passenger in a car accident.
You are entitled to compensation for any injury sustained under the Motor Accidents Injuries Act NSW 2017. This act allows you to recover compensation for loss of income and medical expenses and possibly claim damages for pain and suffering and future loss of income.
If you have been seriously injured as an Uber or another ride share service passenger and require the assistance of a Lawyer, who is an Accredited Specialist in Personal Injury Law, please feel free to contact our office at (02) 8329 9500 or complete a free case assessment here.