Kylie Gill
HR / Marketing Director
Kylie is a founding team member, joining Garling & Co in 2011. Her vision brings our marketing strategy to life and her signature style can be across our brand, website and communication strategy.
Before Garling and Co, Kylie had a 20+ year career heading Sales and Marketing teams in International Hotel and Tourism Companies. Her work experiences include well-known international brands such as Hyatt Hotels, TFE Hotels, and Santa Monica Travel and Tourism.
Kylie is well known for her analytical approach to business, being able to quickly digest data and intelligence and turn this into a multi-channel marketing strategy. Integral to this role is managing our agency relationships and external partnerships, which is done with a clear vision and well-articulated deliverables. She is a strong communicator who is always following a plan.
On weekends Kylie is a highly engaged mum to 3 children, so you will see her on the sidelines of sport across Sydney!
Working at Garling and Co means Kylie can combine her passion for ensuring individuals who are injured in the workplace understand their rights together with developing the tools to make this information easy to find, produced format that is easy to understand.
Kylie GillHR / Marketing Director
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